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All you need to know about us

How do I hire a housemaid from TDS Manpower Consultancy?

You can start by signing up here and providing basic information about your requirement. You will have to pay registration fee of Rs 999 to complete the registration. This fee is fully refundable if we are unable to provide the right candidate within 15 days from the registration.

How much do you charge for providing maids?

We charge 1 month salary of the candidate as placement charge. The registration fee that you pay initially is deducted from the final Invoice. For example, the final salary of the placed candidate is Rs 7000 and you have paid registration fee of Rs 999, you will have to pay only Rs 6001 as the final charge.

Is there any maximum number of candidates you send for interview?

No. There is no cap on the maximum number of candidates we send for the face to face interview. However candidates who are not selected are free to join elsewhere and might not be available if you finalize them later. Hence we suggest you to select and finalize eligible candidate immediately rather than waiting to interview few others.

When do I need to pay for the placement?

You will have to pay registration fee of Rs 999 while placing a request. This fee is fully refundable if we are unable to provide the right candidate within 15 days from the registration. In case you confirm a candidate after the face to face interview, you will have to pay the remaining amount before the maid joins.

How can I pay for the placement charges?

Registration fee of Rs 999 has to be paid online while signing up and the remaining amount too needs be paid online once you receive the final Invoice of the charges. You can use debit/credit card/Netbanking/ Wallets etc to make the payment online.

What background checks do you do for the candidates?

All the maids in our database come through reliable sources. We have our internal recruitment team that conducts recruitment in slums/other areas dominated by domestic workers and provided basic training to all the maids. Additionally we also conduct a thorough physical verification of the address and a report of the same is shared with you after the receipt of the placement charges. We conduct the verification through our internal field team or through a verified partner.

What happens after I register for the service?

Once you register with us, one of our recruiter is assigned to the request and if required will get in touch with you for arranging face to face interviews of the shortlisted candidates. If you like any candidate during the Interview, you can finalize the candidate and make the payment of the remaining amount for the candidate to start reporting to work and receive the contract document.

Who pays the salary to the maid every maids?

The customer shall be responsible to pay the salary to the maid every month on or before 5th of every month. We encourage all the candidates to open their bank accounts through us and the same shall be provided to you for salary disbursal.

What happens if I do not like any candidate that you send for interview?

We assure that this is the least of the probabilities but even if it happens you are eligible for a full refund of the registration fee. Please note that we discourage any direct job offers made to the candidates without our information. This is primarily to safeguard the interest of both the parties and also to prevent revenue loss to the company. TDS shall have all the right to initiate legal proceedings to the defaulting customers.

What if my maid leaves after 2 months or if I am not happy with her?

Don’t worry, TDS Manpower Consultancy provides you replacement guarantee for 6 months from the registration. In case a replacement is required you can get in touch with us and our recruitment team shall do the needful. However please not that we are not liable to provide a replacement in the below cases, · Job description provided at the time of registration is changed significantly. · Any case of mental/physical/financial harassment is reported by the maid. · Dues of the previous are not cleared.

How do you differ from other maid agencies?

TDS Manpower Consultancy is a professional entity and is approved by the Ministry of Corporate affairs. You can view our Incorporation Certificate here. TDS is founded and managed by a group of professionals working on organizing the domestic workforce. Unlike other fly by night agencies we are accountable for our services and provide 6 month no questions asked replacement guarantee. TDS is the first and the most trusted and reliable company for domestic workers in Chennai,and Bangalore. We not only help you in hiring the candidates but also help in managing them by pitching in whenever required upon your request.

How can I contact TDS Manpower Consulancy?

Our customer support is available on 9840671997. You can also email us on for any generic enquiries. You may also stay in touch with us on our facebook page here. Please note our customer support lines are open between 9AM to 7PM, Monday to Saturday.

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